Friday, 13 February 2009

Celtic knots are timeless

Let's set the scene...
Mists rolling down green hills, the cool, damp air laden with scents of autumn, woodsmoke and fallen leaves, a fox yelping in the distance and Enya's haunting voice singing of ancient lands.

All that just from the word Celt? OK so Keats has nothing to worry about with prose like this so let's move on.

There are three circles at the top of this article.
The one on the left is my simplified version of the Celtic Cross.
When the Celts got Christianity, the cross became modifed with a longer leg and became known as the Celtic Christian Cross. Makes sense. Incorporates what was already in use and sort of overwrites the original pagan meaning. That's the middle symbol.
Drop the longer leg altogether and you get the symbol on the right. I doubt that the ancient Celts or early Christians used it - it's the Transport for London logo!

Have you ever tried drawing one of these knots? It's hard enough with just a single line - as soon as you try to make it any particular thickness it gets incredibly difficult. Looks more like spaghetti! There are even whole books that teach you how to draw this pattern.

And it seems we've laid claim to this type of endless cord design, even though there are different versions of it all over the world. (Admittedly some are a bit more angular than ours). Today then, it belongs to the Scots, Welsh, Cornish and Irish (and their ancestors, the ancient Celts). That includes me then as I'm three eighths Irish!

Celtic knots are ancient pattern that's been included in manuscripts and stone crosses, along with stylised beasties from celtic mythology and today you can wear this ancient artwork around your waist on a celtic belt buckle.
They make great gifts too, but then I would say that wouldn't I? :-)

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Bananaman the British superhero, on a belt buckle

Isn't it great that we have a British superhero? Shame that he's a bit thick but maybe that's our national quirkyness showing through.

It's weird the way things work out isn't it? I grew up with Marvel and DC comics and their superheroes with special powers (or even just developed normal powers like Batman). Then Marvel brought in Captain Britain and us school nerds thought that was great.
These days we seem to be having superhero movies popping up all the time and the characters/stories just seem to be getting better and better.

So what do I find myself writing about? Bananaman with the muscles of twenty men and the brains of twenty mussels. Maybe it's because he's so bad in the mental department that he's so good or maybe it's because he's a kind of spoof that makes him an antidote to the recent movies.

And now there's a Bananaman Belt Buckle.

By the way, he's Bananaman, not Banana man.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Bottle Opener buckles ...

Just put three new buckles up - variations on the Bottle Opener Belt Buckle theme. No warning comes with these so...
Be careful who gives you the bottle to open. If they've shaken it up then you're gonna have a surprise.
And don't go doing it to someone else, cos the bottle might explode (that's the health & safety warning for today).

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Studded Belts ...

are finally visible on

Studded Belts are available either with the round/cone shaped studs or the pyramid studs AND they come with a free buckle. Take a look!

We've got black and white and pink mentioned in the video (which is at the bottom of this blog)...a fluorescent neon pink belt so you can really stand out.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Making a statement with your buckle

Being a bit of a movie buff, I've been watching the Blade Trinity DVD extras. You know, the behind the scenes stuff. In the costume department's documentary we get to see Jessica Biel trying out different outfits. There she is wearing a belt with a large oval buckle with the letter A (for her character's name, Abbey Whistler).

You can see a picture of Jessica Biel in action (including buckle) at the Internet Movie Database.

In the video it's explained that the different outfits are used to make a statement and, well, the buckle certainly does that. And if it works for her....

Of course if you're browsing for a buckle on the internet, it helps to know the dimensions. Otherwise it's a bit hard to visualise wearing it. We try to make sure that we include this info on all the buckles at WorldBelts.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Betty Boop update

Betty Boop headSnow again today and there are child-sized bootprints in the back garden. This is a bit odd as none of my family have been out there and we're all tall chaps. The snow on the wall hasn't been disturbed and there are no tracks to the gate. Wonder what Sherlock Holmes would make of it. Sparrows in boots?
We've now got 5 great
Betty Boop belt buckles
As well as sitting on her motorbike, she's also in her little red dress and garter in a sexy pose or two. I've spent quite a while editing her photos for the website (fixing my poor photography) and she err... gets cuter the more time you spend with her. Maybe I need to get out more.

Her items of clothing, her accessories, are all detailed carefully on these buckles. Earrings, bangles, red shoes and that sexy little red backless dress. I definitely need to get out more.

There's an odd thing going on with her name. Visitors to the shop call her Betty Boo. Betty Boo was a singer who (I read somewhere) decided not to call herself Betty Boop in case the public confused her with the cartoon.
So what happens? The public use the singer's name when they mean the cartoon. Can't win.